Epthianura albifrons  

White-fronted Chat (Epthianura albifrons)
click photo for larger image
© Kay Parkin 2014
Winninowie Conservation Park, SA (Jul, 2014)

These birds seem weightless, the twig looks too thin to hold any thing up!

White-fronted Chat (Epthianura albifrons)

White-fronted Chat

White-fronted Chat (Epthianura albifrons)

Female White-fronted Chat

White-fronted Chat (Epthianura albifrons)

White-fronted Chat

White-fronted Chat (Epthianura albifrons)

White-fronted Chat

White-fronted Chat (Epthianura albifrons)

White-fronted Chat

White-fronted Chat (Epthianura albifrons)

White-fronted Chat

White-fronted Chat (Epthianura albifrons)

White-fronted Chat